
Showing posts from April, 2018

Enigma Weekend Edition Song: 'Buddy Holly'

Buddy Holly by Weezer cover By Aliza Howe Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

Food Critic Nick: Mixed feelings on school burgers and tots

This week’s edition of Food Critic Nick is about the school’s burgers and the tater tots served with them, the latter being a favorite among many and the former receiving both contempt and commendation. Let’s start with the tater tots. The lunch ladies often serve a generous amount of these, which is nice. You would expect the tots to have a hash brown flavor, but something tastes strange about them. Not bad –– just strange. I normally just dip the tator tots in ketchup or barbecue sauce, and they end up tasting great. Despite the interesting tang in these tots, I like them, and I am likely to get them if they are served. Next up on the chopping block is the disputable hamburger. I like to put American cheese from the salad bar and a couple squirts of ketchup on my burgers, so your mileage may vary. Let me cut to the chase — the burger is very well done. I am 100% certain there are specific restrictions on how much you have to cook a school hamburger, but I mean it is well...

Book Review: No Ironing Can Fix This Wrinkle

Book Review: A Wrinkle in Time In honor of the movie and one of my favorite authors and books, I will be reviewing A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. Madeleine L’Engle was one of the first authors to write science fiction for children, which other authors discouraged because they believed children wouldn’t understand it. They were wrong of course because people still read A Wrinkle in Time and all of Madeleine L’Engle’s other fantastic books. L’Engle is one of my favorite authors, and I read the book in elementary school after my sister discouraged me from reading it because it was ‘weird.’ I did judge the book by its cover because the cover had three children riding a centaur with a rainbow in the sky. My brother read the beginning of the book to me and then I finished it on my own. I loved it so much that I read the next two and I loved those so much that I kept buying her books and reading them. There are five books in the Time Quintet: A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in...

In My Own Words: Winning 3D design contest leads to unexpected surprise

In My Own Words In this installment of  In My Own Words , Olivia Harris discusses winning a 3D design contest to create her own in-game currency.   Recently in Mr. Adam Zurn's Introduction to Information Technology, my class was given a design challenge to create our own in-game currency using the 3D design software application  SketchUp .  To be honest it was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. For starters we were not allowed to use traditional money shapes of circle or a rectangle so I was pretty stumped. So I just figured I should start with a mix between the two--a hexagon.  I started off by putting down a hexagon, and I raised it up a little bit to give it some height. After that, I put a letter O in the middle of it because we were required to use some type of 3D lettering.  I figured it looked kind of bland so I added some more hexagons to every corner of the base hexagon and I added a square to each mini hexag...

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: 'A Perfect Life'

A Perfect Life By  Josiah Inman A perfect life only causes strife a change in the air the lightning flairs the man slips away in the bed you lay you set the sea aflame as everyone went and came tired of running tryin’ to find something tired of hiding from those who are chiding what you look for is at your core all your life you lied to never let go of your pride Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

Happiness & Confidence: Characteristics gained from softball

I am passionate about softball. Softball is a challenging sport that tests your endurance, leadership, teamwork, and confidence. Softball is not an easy sport. You have to be focused and be able to withstand the weather that mother nature throws at you. You also have to be able to field and hit without showing how tired you are. Endurance Endurance matters in softball, especially if you play travel or play for a Division 1 college. I will only be able to share my experiences from travel ball since I am not old enough to play in college yet. A tournament in travel ball can last anywhere from two to seven days. Most are two or three though, but it is possible to play up to four games a day. As a starting catcher, I have to stay in a squat position for the majority of the tournament and let me tell you, it gets tiring. It is important to remember that your mind gives up before your body. You have to stay strong by being hydrated and powering through the pain. This is importa...

Food Critic Nick: Shrimp Poppers are a Showstopper

Welcome to a new series entitled,  Food Critic Nick . In the coming weeks, Nick will be rating the various school lunches served in Lampeter-Strasburg High School cafeteria. Shrimp Poppers My first review will be on the shrimp poppers, one of the premium meals available. Although it is debated whether or not the poppers are made of real shrimp, they still manage to have that distinguishable shrimp flavor, which I am a big fan of. Nothing beats a good serving of shrimp — or unspecified meat that tastes similar to shrimp. Around the beginning of the school year, the shrimp poppers were served plain. They were a bit underwhelming, and I felt the need to dip them in ketchup, which was a bit unsatisfying. Recently, they have been serving cocktail sauce on the side. This is a fantastic addition to the flavor, as that little kick in the cocktail sauce complements the breaded shrimp perfectly.  It could be a bit stronger though, as I am a fan of spicy food. I think th...

Garden Spot FFA holds annual banquet

The Garden Spot FFA Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet was held on March 15, 2018 at Martin Meylin Middle School. The banquet highlighted activities our members participated in throughout the year and commended them for their hard work. The banquet also provided opportunities to show our appreciation to people in our community who have made an impact on our FFA chapter. The evening started fellowship over a delicious meal served by Hess’s Catering. Our 2017-2018 Officer Team opened the banquet and introduced guests. Lampeter-Strasburg High School District Administration, Lampeter-Strasburg School Board, Pennsylvania State Government, Current FFA State Officer, Agriculture Advisory Board, High School Teachers, High School Teacher Support Staff, District and Building Secretaries, West Lampeter Community Fair Board, Chapter Supporters, Former Agriculture Teachers, and Garden Spot FFA Alumni members were are introduced and recognized. They were all thanked for their continual s...

Good Eats in Lancaster: Radical Rachel’s Creperie

Do you find yourself hungry, but do not feel like cooking? Well, you came to the right place to find the best restaurants around Lancaster. Our first destination is one of my personal favorites, which is Rachel’s Cafe & Creperie. Hopefully you have eaten recently because otherwise this will make you very hungry. Rachel’s Cafe & Creperie is located in downtown Lancaster City. When you see a bright yellow house on the corner, you will know you are there! There is a little bit of everything, so you will not have trouble finding something that fits your diet and fits to what you like. If you happen to be gluten free, there are event items on the menu for you. There are also veggie crepes and salads so you will not be left out either if you are vegetarian! My favorite crepe is the egg and cheese with sausage or the cheeseburger. They are amazing! Along with their meal crepes, their desert crepes delicious. Especially the Fresh Fruit crepe and the Tavern on the Green c...

Don't miss out! Prom tickets on sale soon

Update Prom information for all who are attending on Saturday, May 19. 2018: All students who are attending the prom must be in school tomorrow, Friday, May 18, 2018.  The prom begins at 5:30 pm. All attendees must arrive by 6:30 pm to gain entry. Prom. It's the night many upperclassmen dream about all year. This year the 2018 Lampeter-Strasburg Junior-Senior Prom is being held at the  Country Barn  on Saturday, May 19 from 5 to 10 pm. Tickets will cost $65 and go on sale starting Tuesday, April 24 and run until Friday, May 4.  Last year's prom king and queen. Before tickets go on sale later this month, students interested in attending will want to ensure they met all the requirements which include: Being a member of the Junior or Senior class in good standing*. Students in good standing are seniors that have completed their 30 hours of community service and have submitted their senior graduation project, or any student without any sc...

Marching Band. The best family you could ask for

It's April, which means Marching Band starts in three months, and I could not be more pumped. Last year at this time I was busy taking PSSAs and didn’t even think about marching band. Well things have changed since then. I had to be bribed into joining marching band, it took a lot of effort from my family to get me to join. My grandma told my mom and aunt when they were my age that they had to participate in band for one year and then they could quit. They both ended up staying for all four years. This is exactly the same thing that is happening to me. Band camp 2017 was the best week ever! These were my lunch buddies all week. Rewind to August 2017 and band camp was starting tomorrow. I was less than thrilled. The week started out slow and repetitive. We did the same thing. Every. Day. However, by Friday I was having so much fun and I made so many friends, I didn’t want to go home. The season progressed, friendships strengthened, and I fell in love with band even more....

In My Own Words: Color Guard memories are worth a thousand words

In My Own Words In this installment of  In My Own Words , Lyana Hall discusses her love of being a member of the indoor  color guard . What is color guard? Color guard is a place where you make life-long friendships and laugh harder than you may have ever laughed. The girls in color guard became my sisters who I tell everything. They understand me and I understand them. Every competition is meaningful especially the ride there and back. I get to bond with my fellow guard members. We talk about the most interesting and deeply personal things. We laugh so hard my face hurts and sometimes we laugh so hard we cry. We talk about the most random things you can think of. I have learned so much about every single one of these girls that made a positive impact in my life. I’m such a lucky girl to have wonderful memories with all of these close friends I have made. I care about these girls, they are family. I always look forward to practices and learning new drill and d...

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: 'Time'

Time By A.D. Time. What is time? Is it he passing of hours or is it the way the earth moves? Is it the seasons or even the color of the sky? Is it the way he looks at you vulnerable, trusting, and loving? What is time, and why do we measure it? Maybe we long to Capture the eternity laid out in front of us in smaller increments, tiny snapshots to savor and then slowly fade away when the end draws near. Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

In My Own Words: Despite cold many L-S swimmers prepare to jump into the pool

In My Own Words:  In this installment of  In My Own Words , Emma Kury talks about swimming for the Lancaster Aquatic Club with other Lampeter-Strasburg students.   On Monday April 9, the spring season of Lancaster Aquatic Club swimming begins. The winter season ended on March 26 for most of my other teammates. The rest in between the seasons is short. Only two weeks before we dive back into the pool. The spring season of swimming has its perks. One of them is that the meets are more enjoyable and we get to travel more. The spring season continues into a "long course" season. This means the pool is Olympic sized compared to a regular short course pool. The long course meets are typically held outside so it is more fun compared to winter meets. As for practices, the spring practice time is earlier than winter. For me it helps a lot with managing my time and getting home at a reasonable hour. Right when I get home from school I get cracking at my home...

L-S student's robotic team advances to world finals in Motor City

Saturday evening held many long faces in the Out of the Box Robotics (OBX) pit at East Super Regionals. After nine matches OBX ranked 17th in their division, not high enough to win them the right to be an alliance team captain, a privilege provided to only the top four ranking teams in any one tournament. Below Lander Holsinger and his drive team robot operator work together to delicately place a 2nd relic in the upright position in the third partition to maximize relic scoring potential.  Things took a turn for the better however Sunday morning when the third place alliance captain chose OBX as their first pick, OBX would be advancing. Four alliances each consisting of three teams advanced to the division final rounds. The rounds consist of a two team alliance against another alliance in a best of three matches sudden elimination. The OBX alliance won the first two matches of both the semi and final round making them the Tesla division alliance champion of the East Super ...

Aevidum Club looks to bring three additional service dogs to district

About 18 months ago, Lampeter-Strasburg High School welcomed Susquehanna Service Dog Maya to the district. The Aevidum Club is hoping to bring three more service dogs in the next 24 months. Maya coming to L-S has been a long time coming. LS News wrote on fundraising efforts for the therapy dog in May 2015. In fact, the process took more than a year with several members of the L-S staff and students of the Aevidum Club working hard to raise the appropriate funds as well as get the necessary permissions to have a service dog. Due to the success of SSD Maya at the high school, the PAWS ( Puppies Achieve Wonders for Students) team, with permission from the L-S School Board and spearheaded by the Aevidum Club are looking to obtain three additional facility dogs.  Martin Meylin Middle School Student Council, Hans Herr Elementary School PTO, and Lampeter Elementary School PTO are also supporting this endeavor so that funds can be raised to obtain additional dogs within the...

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: 'The Moon Shines'

The Moon Shines By A.D. The moon shines, the stars twinkle. The crickets chirp, and I sit in awe at a world so beautiful. God knew what He was doing, crafting such a place as this. If only the world was not crumbling at our fingertips. If only we were not destroying one another. What happened to love and kindness? What happened to believing? Jesus Christ died so that we may live in heaven with Him. Why must we turn our backs? Take a look around at the world we have created. I want to grow it. I will not destroy, not anymore. Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted t...

Tip of the Hat to newest Thespian Society members

Yesterday, the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Thespian Society inducted 12 new members. In a time honored tradition, inductees are given crazy hats to wear. New members include Ansley Yost, Kyle Johnson (missing from photo), Kenzie Krebs, Gabe Sanderson, Julie Stinson, Joey Long, Joel Lapp, Melissa Long (missing from photo), Josh Chambers (missing from photo), Jessica Heisey, Jarrett Emmerling, James McMichael, Ellie Crumpler, Katrina Herrera, and Luke Broderson.

Garden Spot FFA attends annual State Legislative Leadership Conference

The Pennsylvania FFA Association hosts the State Legislative Leadership Conference every year to teach FFA members more about the legislative process and our government. On March 19-20, Leah Welk, Jess Herr, Bella Eckert, Jared Risser, Danae Ranck, and Mrs. McMichael joined over 400 other members and advisors from all over the state for this conference in Harrisburg. The three day conference provided opportunities for members in earn first-hand experience in the legislative process, serve the community, make new friends, and more. On the first day of SLLC, we attended workshops where we learned about sharing our voices, proper etiquette, Parliamentary Procedure, how a bill becomes a law, and much more. Our new knowledge helped to prepare us for our next task, passing bills in the House of Representatives or the Senate. We were divided into groups to debate different bills in the House or Senate minority or majority. Our job was to use of Parliamentary Procedure skills to amend and ...