
Showing posts from September, 2018

Spartan football team proves to be no match for Pioneers in 42-0 shutout

After last week's disappointing loss in the Lampeter Bowl to Conestoga Valley, the Lampeter-Strasburg football team was ready to prove that their previous wins--all non-league matches--had not happened by accident. The Pioneers made their point last night by blanking Garden Spot 42-0 in front of a supportive student section at JK Mechanical Field. Much of the Pioneer victory can be credited to the defense which prevented Garden Spot from advancing the ball past the midfield almost the entire game. The Pioneers are now 4-1. Next week, the team hosts Hempfield (2-3). --Photos by Jonathan Klein,  LS News  photographer

Book Review: Is the book, The Darkest Minds, worth all the hype?

*WARNING CONTAINS SPOILERS* As the book, The Darkest Minds, opens, we learn that the kids all around the country are dying and only a few of them survived. However those who survived were rounded up and put in camps similar to concentration camps. They were sorted by color form red to being the most dangerous to green being the least dangerous. Ruby had used her powers in order to trick them into believing that she was a green when in reality she was an orange. After a while they slowly kill off the reds, oranges, and yellows, until there are only blues and greens left. At this point we can tell that it is a dystopian society. A couple chapters into the book, the PSI workers find out Ruby is actually an orange, so she escapes with the help of Cate (formally known as Dr. Begbie) but soon after, she find out that they plan on using her as as weapon for their own benefits. Ruby ends up running away and she runs into this 11-year-old girl name Zu and she leads Ruby to Liam and ...

Pioneers fall short in annual Lampeter Bowl contest with Conestoga Valley

Last night the Lampeter-Strasburg football team stumbled in the annual Lampeter Bowl losing 20-7 to Conestoga Valley. This marked the first loss of the year as well as the first loss in the East meets West Lampeter Bowl in eight years for the Pioneers. L-S now stands with a record of 3-1. Next week the Pioneers return home where they will be squaring off against Garden Spot who is 0-4. --Photos by Jonathan Klein,  LS News  photographer

Opinion: It's Lampeter Fair Season!

It's finally beginning to feel like fall! Yes! I think fall is my absolute favorite season. Fall to me means sweatshirts and cozy sweaters, pumpkins, jumping in piles of leaves, barn parties, and most of all, the Lampeter Fair! If you don't live in Lancaster County, the Lampeter Fair is by far one of the most fun events in the fall. This year it the fair is 26, 27, and 28 of September which is so soon and it has me really excited. I want to share my favorite things to do at the Lampeter Fair ! My favorite part of the Lampeter Fair is having an early dismissal on the first day. It is the most fun that we have all month! I usually grab a few of my friends and we walk over together and go through all the tents so that we can get as many stickers as possible! Oh and we never forget to stop by the Herr's stand and get our free chips! Another activity that I always look forward to doing at the Lampeter Fair is watching one of my best friends show her pig! She al...

Do We Believe in Victory? Lady Pioneers face off against former field hockey state champs Donegal

In My Own Words In this installment of  In My Own Words , Emaly Garret talks about field hockey's  match with Donegal both before and during.  Before the Game Today is the big game..... Donegal vs. Lampeter-Strasburg..... who will win? Two years ago, Donegal was state champs. Most years they make it to districts and states. It is all because they have really good players and a hardcore coach.  Thankfully, I'm a freshman and the best players will have graduated by next year.  Donegal is our rival, and we lose to them Every. Single. Year. Last year, we loss 12 - 0. But the one thing I can say is we didn't give up. LS scores first goal in the varsity game! During the Game When the game started, so did the rain. The weather didn't hinder Donegal's performance though. They ended up winning 12-3 but, L-S definitely put up a good fight.  It's amazing how much your mind controls your play. We let Donegal and the reputation that precedes t...

West York proves to be all bark and no bite as the Pioneers defeat the bulldogs, 35-28

Hot enough for you? That was the question asked all week during summer's post-Labor Day death rattle after four consecutive days of 90 plus degree temperatures. It had been so hot, in fact, that after school sports practices were often delayed to 6 pm. So when Friday's forecast called for cooler weather and a 7 pm start time, everyone was thrilled. What no one expected was that West York with an 0-2 record would bring the heat with them to Lampeter-Strasburg's JK Mechanical Stadium for the season home opener. Fortunately, the Pioneers with less than five minutes on the clock in the fourth quarter were able to break the 28-28 tied game with a 11-yard touchdown throw to Joe Underwood for the eventual victory. The Pioneer defense also contributed to last night's win by holding West York's offense at the 24-yard line with less than two minutes on the clock that culminated with an interception on a jump ball for the Pioneers. Last night's c...

After a day of torrential rain Pioneers continue the downpour by blanking Penn Manor, 42-0

The Lampeter-Strasburg football team continued their road show the for second week by visiting non-league rival Penn Manor at Comet Field. Ultimately, the Pioneers won in a 42-0 shutout that made a week of scorching hot practices and the trip all worth it. Penn Manor entered their second game of the season with something to prove having lost their opening match-up to Conestoga Valley, 13-31 last week. L-S, on the other hand, brought a 1-0 record to the bout after beating Spring Grove, 35-13. Junior Bryan McKim started the scoring frenzy for the Pioneers halfway through the second quarter with a three yard touchdown run. McKim did the same thing again in the third quarter. He finished the game with 107 yards on 14 carries. It wasn't just the offense that scored for the Pioneers. Defensive player Jacob Kopelman intercepted a pass for a 65 yard touchdown late in the second quarter. Despite being rivals, the L-S student section came wearing yellow as a sign of ...