
Showing posts from January, 2018

In My Own Words: Indoor color guard gets 'Soaked'

In My Own Words In this installment of  In My Own Words , Lyana Hall talks about her recent indoor color guard competition.  Before our big competition this past weekend, we needed to practice to completely drill the routine into our heads. Our performance is called, "Soaked." We started rehearsal at 9 am. Left to Right: Kayla, Hannah Westerman, Maddie Swope, Kaytelyn Naglich, Christine Fritz, Hannah Martz, and Allie Musser. Before I knew it was time to pack up and leave. We had a check list before we could leave. When we had everything we carried and then we went outside with the mat we had to put all our belongings on the curb so we could put the mat inside the van.  Transporting the mat we perform on is no easy task. One person climbs inside the van to pull while the rest of us help push it from the outside. It must be quiet the sight for anyone passing by. With the mat and the rest of our belonging packed, it was time for us to leave. ...

Boys Basketball: Pioneers sting the Hornets, 71-25

Earlier this today on what seemed like a spring afternoon in January, the Lampeter-Strasburg Boys Basketball team hosted the Oxford Hornets. It was the Pioneers that did the stinging though as they beat Oxford 71-25 in this mid-season non-league match-up. The boys team is now 11-1. On Monday, the Pioneers travel to Manheim Central for the 7:30 pm league game. See all of Klein's game photos here. --Photos by Jonathan Klein, LS News photographer

Enigma Weekend Edition: Hands by Madi Stabinger

Hands By Madi Stabinger Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser,  Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

Advice: How To Have The Best Instagram Page

Freshman Sasha Ama shares her tips on making the best Instagram page. If your Instagram feed is just boring, now is the time to change that. First, delete all pictures that are not Instagram worthy. After you have deleted all of your worst pictures, find new ones that are worth posting either by scrolling through your camera roll or photographing them. For inspiration, take a look at popular pages with feeds that you like so you can maybe reflect off of theirs or use their editing/photography for ideas for your own. Tip 1: Post daily or often to keep followers active and updated. Never repost a picture. With new photos in hand, edit them all exactly the same so that when you post them, you will form a theme with all of your pictures matching.  To get them exactly the same, use the recipe. For example, here are some pictures I had edited the same. Tip 2: Change your theme weekly or monthly to make sure you do not get boring. Next, chose a quote or sayin...

Boys defeat Garden Spot in home hoops action

Last night the Lampeter-Strasburg Boys' Basketball team and defending Section II champion soundly defeated Garden Spot, 80-31. The Pioneers are currently 10-1 this season. On Saturday, the boys team hosts Oxford at 1:30 pm in a non-league match. See all of Klein's game photos here. --Photos by Jonathan Klein, LS News photographer Final: Lampeter Strasburg 80, Garden Spot 31 — LancLebsports (@LancLebsports) January 26, 2018

Enigma Weekend Edition: Pottery by Sami Williams

Pottery By Sami Williams Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser,  Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

Garden Spot FFA members honored at Pennsylvania Farm Show

The first event of 2018 year for the Garden Spot FFA is the Pennsylvania Farm Show. Every year in January, the PA Farm Show is held at the PA Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. The exhibits range from animals to food to businesses and much more, all have the goal of promoting agriculture throughout our state. The PA Farm Show is a week full of exciting activities, education, and fun. For our FFA members, the Farm Show is an exciting trip that we take every year. Students had the opportunity to spend a day at Farm Show on Friday. In order to go on the trip, each member had to sell a minimum of 20 cases of fruit during our fruit sale. Members got to spend to day walking around the Farm Show and learning about other forms of agriculture outside the classroom. Jr. FFA members were also invited to attend. They had to recited the one paragraph of the FFA Creed. Some of the highlights of the trip were watching tractor square dancing, sampling foods, and hanging out with friends. Four of ...

In My Own Words: Band of Sisters--Being a member of the indoor color guard

In My Own Words In this installment of  In My Own Words , Lyana Hall discusses her love of being a member of the indoor  color guard . There are so many reasons why I enjoy color guard. For starters everyone who is in color guard isn’t just a member, they are family. Being a family we are supportive of one another in everything we do. Color is year round with indoor and outdoor seasons. I prefer the indoor color guard season. Don't get me wrong, I like outdoors too. I like going to the football games cheering for our team. But what I really love is competing against different schools and watching their amazing performances during competitions. I have been color guard for two years now joining when I was in seventh grade. While in middle school, we traveled with the high school team members. These mentors taught us the dance moves. Luckily, if we messed up they didn't hold it against us as they fostered a community of sisterhood.   I loved watch...

Boys Basketball sits atop Section 2 after defeating Barons

On Wednesday, January 10, the Lampeter-Strasburg Boys Basketball team won their Section 2 “showdown” against the Baron of Manheim Central to capture the mid-season sectional first place. The first quarter was very close but the Pioneers began to pull away after halftime for a 48-23 victory.    The Barons attempted to shut down 6’10 senior Ryan Smith. Central was successful in guarding him for the first half, but collapsed in the second half when he scored 17 of his 21 total points of the game. While Central played a good defense on Smith, they left open a dead eye three point shooter senior Issac Beers who scored 15 points. After the gamejunior Adam Stoltzfus said, “Manheim Central's Connor Hostetter was a problem for the team by being the second leading scorer in the section, but not for our defense. We only allowed him to score 11 points and three 3 pointers, which helped shut the Barrons down”. The boys varsity team went 6 and 1 with their first run through ...

Opinion Six Reasons To Join Track

It might be January and snowing but spring is only 44 days away and that means track and field season is almost here. You may be on the fence debating if you want to join or not, I'm going to give you some reasons on why you should join. Track is a sport that has a place for everyone, with its many events that vary from throwing to long distance running there is bound to be a event for you. If you don't enjoy the event that you are in you could always switch out and go to another one that could be better for you. Do other sports like cross country? Joining track can help prepare you for these other sports later down the line. Also getting in shape is never a bad idea, if you want to get fit or just want to stay where you are this sport can really help with that, you might even find a special talent that you have. It doesn't also stop with how you physically feel, it can mentally help you with more confidence and feeling better about yourself. But the best t...

Enigma Weekend Edition: Face Watercolor Series

Face Watercolor Series By Rachel Fish Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser,  Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

Enigma Weekend Edition: Spontaneous Art

Spontaneous Art: Planner Doodle By Aliza Howe Enigma  is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser,  Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon