
Showing posts from March, 2023

Lampeter-Strasburg High School Celebrates National FFA Week

Lampeter-Strasburg Agricultural Department and the Garden Spot FFA celebrated National FFA week from February 21-24, 2023. The Lampeter-Strasburg High School Garden Spot FFA decides to celebrate National FFA week to spread education and learn more about the FFA organization. They also love to celebrate their journey within the FFA. The Garden Spott FFA student officer team and advisors planned the week with dress-up days and breakfast each morning. The breakfast was homemade by the officer team. Breakfast was available to all students that participated in the dress-up that day. On Tuesday, February 21, it was Official Dress day, so FFA members wore their official FFA dress to school that day. The breakfast that was provided was some delicious cereal. The only breakfast of that week that was not homemade. There was a planned Garden Spot FFA Alumni trivia night, but it was unfortunately canceled due to low reservations. Wednesday, February 22, was wear your FFA apparel day. Members wore ...