
Showing posts from May, 2016

Strasburg remembers fallen heroes at annual Memorial Day Parade

Yesterday, the status of the Strasburg Memorial Day parade was in question due to weather, but even the skies cooperated to honor America's fallen soldiers as the parade marched on. Veterans lead the annual Strasburg Memorial Day parade It turned out to be a beautiful Memorial Day morning as members of community lined Main Street to see the annual Strasburg Memorial Day parade.  Members of the US armed forces led the way, followed by the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Band, which played "Armed Forces on Parade", a march medley that includes the songs of each branch of the armed services.  The L-S High School concert band played its march "Armed Forces on Parade" to honor those who served in each branch of the U.S. Armed Services It is an important day for the high school concert band, all of whose members participate (unless they are on a pre-scheduled family trip). Before the parade, director Mr. Larry Royer told the story of a soldier who was b...

Mr. Eric Spencer: A legacy of change

When Mr. Eric Spencer arrived at Lampeter-Strasburg five years ago, he came to a school in transition. Effectively weathering those transitions has been the hallmark of his tenure, and what he cites as his greatest accomplishment. Mr. Eric Spencer's five year tenure as principal of L-S High School draws to a close on June 30 Like all Pennsylvania public high schools, L-S had to realign its instruction to the Keystone Exams rather than the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), a massive undertaking at the administrative level particularly with regards to curriculum. Additionally, schools have changed to a new system of teacher rating, which has required the implementation of Student Learning Objectives (SLO), another project on which administrators have spent considerable time. "I got to be the principal when all that went down," he says, adding that a pivotal piece of the new educational puzzle is "learning how to use data to improve instruct...

Lilly Murr will lead

Lilly Murr has always been interested in newspapers, so it should come as little surprise that upon reaching high school, she joined the former student newspaper, Limelight , and wrote, in her words, "odd articles" during its final year of publication. Lilly Murr will become the first female editor of  ... then again, she is the second editor of all time, so she's the first lots of things including the first non-curmudgeon editor, first editor who enjoys analyzing poetry, first editor to interview a principal before he or she became principal, and first editor whose first language is English as opposed to sarcasm  As Limelight faded without pomp and pageantry into the deep abyss of L-S High School history, there was no news publication at L-S High School for most of last school year. However, that changed last spring with the founding of . In its first year of publication, published about 575 articles to the tun...

Editorial: Blurryface

I am very excited to say that in one week I will be a high school graduate. I remember being a young kindergartener looking up at the high schoolers as if I would never reach that point; it was too far off into the future to be possible. Well, here I am. It’s been a ride, but, honestly, more like one of those rides where you spin so fast that, although you’re having fun, you can’t wait to get off while hoping your lunch stays where it belongs. It’s both exciting and dreadful simultaneously. High school and school, in general, has had its moments, but we all too quickly went from coloring the letters of the alphabet to doing stoichiometry (God help us). The old elementary days have become distant memories. I, who did not attend L-S until the 9 th grade, did not have recess in middle school. Recess is the greatest time of the day for any child. I would watch the clock as the time for recess drew nearer, and I’d become a little antsy in my chair. I can remember four square tourn...

32 years later, Mr. Albanese retires from teaching

It was four years ago now that upon entering into high school, I chose to take Spanish. And on that first day of Spanish one, Mrs. Wade informed our class “And if you see a little Italian man running around, that’s just Mr. Albanese.” Four years later, that man is retiring, after thirty-two years teaching at L-S. Mr. Angelo Albanese is retiring after 32 years of teaching Originally, Mr. Albanese taught Spanish, and coached soccer and tennis.  " I’d do anything for a job," he quips. Spanish was not even his first choice for teaching. "I loved math, in Italy I wanted to be an architect."  But when he came to the states, the language barrier made it hard for him to transition, and he ended up taking higher level math courses than he could handle. "But they said, hey, you have a good accent, what about a Spanish minor, and I said, how about we just make it a major?" he recalls.  But more than Spanish, Mr. Albanese wanted to teach...

Weaver's 15-strikeout one-hitter paces Pioneers to playoff progress

Maybe Jordan Weaver should bowl before every outing. Jordan Weaver allowed just one hit and two walks through seven innings, during which she struck out 15 The five seniors on the L-S softball team were unable to go to either New York or Six Flags on today's senior trip, and instead went bowling as part of a local option. In the end, it didn't turn out too badly for the team, which defeated Littlestown 6-0 today at Hershey High School for round two of the District III playoffs. Jordan Weaver, whose dominance in the circle this season has been well documented, continued her success today by recording 15 strikeouts through her complete game one-hitter, a shutout. "Jordan found the strike zone, which was key," says coach Tim Shoff. "She threw her change up effectively." She was not the only "Jordan" to find success today for the Pioneers, although the other one spells her name differently. That would be junior centerfielder Jordyn Kondr...

The Editor's Journal: A radical idea

I have a radical proposition: L-S will be a better school if we decrease instructional time . Of course, such an outcome is contingent on a concurrent increase in time available for students to participate in clubs during the confines of the school day. In the last two years, most clubs have seen a 50% decrease in available meeting time as the RTII cycle has gone from a one-week rotation to a two-week rotation (beginning last year, RTII no longer simply cycled students among their four classes in successive order, but shuttled them to a "group" RTII on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and had them cycle to their four classes every two weeks on Tuesday and Thursday). Consequently, many clubs are finding it harder to meet, which makes it harder to plan events, which makes it harder to promote the causes these clubs were founded to promote, be those causes Asian culture, school spirit, gay rights, or a love for trivia. Clubs enrich school life. Personally, I have learned and...

Pioneers launch Rockets in round one of District playoffs

The Pioneers defeated the James Buchanan Rockets this afternoon to advance in the District Three AAA softball tournament. Bri Garber's hitting once again took center stage in the Pioneers' victory over James Buchanan in the District Three playoffs The Rockets took the early lead in the top half of the first as their leadoff hitter doubled to the centerfield fence and eventually score on a sacrifice fly. L-S came right back in the bottom half as Bri Garber started the inning with a single, stole second, and advanced to third on Jordyn Kondras’s single to right. A groundout from Delaney Baker allowed Garber to tie the game at one. After holding James Buchanan in the second, the team added to its lead by combining the use of timely hitting and the capitalization of Rocket errors. Caroline Braungard singled to right field and moved to second on an overthrow. Natalie Carson followed by reaching on error as Braungard took home, and Delaney Groff singled to bring Carson ...

Spritzing skies can't rain on Prom parade

It truly was a night to remember. Saturday night, the Eden hosted Lampeter-Strasburg High School’s junior and senior prom. Although the skies were spritzing, everyone had high spirits. Some seniors symbolically "waved goodbye to high school" with this as their final big event  Often, students feel pressured to have a date to go to the Prom, but L-S is unique in that not having a date is as good as having one. There were quite a few girls going stag and proud of it. For seniors especially, prom is about coming together. A date isn’t necessary to kill it on the dance floor. As far as the actual Prom goes, it was a fairly typical evening aside from the rain. In an effort to not ruin hairdos and rented tuxes, students had to be creative with pictures, opting for indoor photo locations, including greenhouses, barns, and museums. As usual, several photographers also took pictures while students filed into the venue. The theme this year was ‘Yule Ball’, which is ...