Strasburg remembers fallen heroes at annual Memorial Day Parade
Yesterday, the status of the Strasburg Memorial Day parade was in question due to weather, but even the skies cooperated to honor America's fallen soldiers as the parade marched on. Veterans lead the annual Strasburg Memorial Day parade It turned out to be a beautiful Memorial Day morning as members of community lined Main Street to see the annual Strasburg Memorial Day parade. Members of the US armed forces led the way, followed by the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Band, which played "Armed Forces on Parade", a march medley that includes the songs of each branch of the armed services. The L-S High School concert band played its march "Armed Forces on Parade" to honor those who served in each branch of the U.S. Armed Services It is an important day for the high school concert band, all of whose members participate (unless they are on a pre-scheduled family trip). Before the parade, director Mr. Larry Royer told the story of a soldier who was b...