Dreary weather dampens final Girls' Tennis match, L-S wins nonetheless
Photo by Maya Pieters The match today began with a dreary start; everyone had expected the match to be postponed due to the on and off rain showers. The athletic director, Ms. Lippy, unfortunately declared that the match could not be postponed since leagues begin on Monday. Reluctantly, the girls wrapped up in their rain gear to play their last tennis match. All the senior players being recognized before the match for senior night, many of the parents walked around the courts in the rain picking up leaves for the impending matches. The match instantly began with a win for a doubles team; the Northern Lebanon team only had five girls, and thus had to forfeit one doubles match. The number one doubles of the Capoferri sisters was a slippery slope to the victory; Taylor continuously slipped on the wet courts as she played. “She cannot afford an injury; leagues are on Monday!” commented Mrs. Rettew. As all the parents and team members anxiously watched the girls slide across the co...