Miller leads L-S contingent to County Chorus

Mackenzie Miller
For the third consecutive year, Mackenzie Miller is headed to county chorus. A successful audition this Saturday marks the first step in what she hopes will be another journey that since her sophomore year has led her to District and Regional Chorus, and last year advanced to State Chorus as well. For now, though, she is happy to have made the county ensemble.

"The county chorus experience is one that I would do again in a heartbeat," she says. "It gives you such an accomplished feeling when you practice and practice the music. You know every eighth rest and syncopated rhythm and then can share that love for music with others."

The blind audition -- based solely on "raw chops" (no looks or theatrical performance) -- consists of singing two songs, one a cappella and one accompanied. Several judges, who never see (only hear) those auditioning give scores, and those selected participate in the County Chorus festival, which will be held at Lebanon High School on Saturday, January 9.

Miller placed sixth among those auditioning on the Alto I part; two fellow seniors -- Alto II Samantha Ingram and Soprano I Jessie Reynolds -- placed third and sixth respectively on their parts.
From L: Mackenzie Miller, Alex Williams, Steve Greenwood,
Sam Ingram, Jessie Reynolds, Ethan Bare
Photo courtesy of Mrs. Anne Harnish
Others from L-S who earned entrance into the ensemble include Lauren Bliss, Ethan Bare, Steven Greenwood, and Alex Williams.

Although she attributed the phrase to another senior, Cassidy Ingram, Miller quips, "[I]t's a great way to start the year with a high note. No music pun intended."

--Benjamin Pontz, Editor-In-Chief

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