
Showing posts from April, 2019

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: "Everything and Nothing" by Connor Armstrong

"Everything and Nothing" By Connor Armstrong The vastness brings chills upon those who enter its frozen hand one to hold or one to observe The giant no one sees the mountain few climb and yet everyone lives upon Its boulders our source of life and yet our killers if we touch them. Some praise Atlas and some fear it. Its endless sea of glitter shines endlessly and yet not enough We yearn to explore it, and yet can only do so with rocks and sticks. The sinkholes of the sea grow larger every second, never has its eyes gazed upon us, but we upon them. The serpent expands into the unknown Exploring what others never will we must simplify her grandeur in order to understand her She is everywhere, and somehow far from us. Greatness cannot be forced, but it is the greatest force there is. She is a whisper for us, but a raging roar for the universe.   Enigma  is an art and literary magazine. Staff m...

Don't miss out! Prom tickets NOW sale

Prom. It's the night many upperclassmen dream about. This year the 2019 Lampeter-Strasburg Junior-Senior Prom is being held at the Eden Resort on Saturday, May 18 from 5 to 10 pm. Tickets cost $60 and are NOW on sale starting Tuesday, April 23 and run until Friday, May 3. Tickets can be purchased before homeroom from Mrs. Shehan in room 266 or during RTII / Flex from Mr. Zurn in room 226. Tickets will not be sold to students who are not in good standing or to guests who do not have an approved guest form. Students may not reserve a seat until a ticket is purchased. In order to attend the 2019 Junior-Senior prom, you must: Be a member of the Junior or Senior class in good standing. Be a registered guest of a Junior or Senior student in good standing, who has completed the guest approval form. All guests must have achieved 9th grade status but not yet reached his/her 21st birthday. You must have attended school ON TIME the day before the prom. The following requirements...

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: "Pigskin" by Landon Teeter

"Pigskin" By Landon Teeter Friday night. The sky is blank, the lights are illuminated the crowd is boisterous and the players are ready. The music starts to blare through the speakers. The team rushes onto the field. The crowd goes wild. The first play. Green 32 Red 13 Ready, Hike. The ball snapped. The ball is thrown Tipped Caught. Touchdown. Score: 6 to nothing The noise is deafening. The team celebrates. The opponents dejected. The field goal kicked, It is good.   Enigma  is an art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol ...

Victory Against Garden Spot for Lacrosse Team

On this past Tuesday, the Lampeter Strasburg Lacrosse team scored a victory against the Garden Spot Spartans Lacrosse team. After already facing Garden Spot a few weeks before, the Pioneers knew what to improve on in the following game. However, both teams were thirsty for a victory in the Lebanon League. In the first game, the Pioneers gained a lead and managed to keep the Garden Spot Spartans at bay. The Pioneers ended up winning this game. In the second game against Garden Spot, the Pioneers started the game off strong and put up one goal after another. After a 12 minute quarter of solid play, the Spartans tried turning things around. The Garden Spot Spartans managed to possess the ball for most of the second quarter, allowing them to put up a few goals. As the third quarter rolled around, the Pioneers seemed rejuvenated and ready to play. L-S managed to put up another 6 goals. Once fourth quarter arrived, both teams were exhausted from a grueling previous 3 quarters, and inte...

Persevering through the pouring rain: Girls Lacrosse team does not give up

It was no easy game to play on Friday, April 12 for the Lampeter-Strasburg girls' lacrosse team. What started as a mere drizzle quickly turned into a pouring rain during their home game against Hempfield High School. The L-S Girls' Varsity Lacrosse Team The varsity team started off the evening with a slight drizzle infiltrating them for a majority of the game. And unfortunately for the varsity team, the rain got in the way of their victory as they fell to Hempfield that night. The L-S Girls' JV Lacrosse Team However, the story does not end there. Following the varsity game, that evening there was the JV game. The team came back with a vengeance. As more and more people began to exit the soggy stands, and as the rain began to fall harder and harder, the girls had to bring their A-game.  Half-time of the game was even cut short due to the poor conditions! Kelly Hostetter who scored a goal for her team that evening said this of the game, "It was not an easy g...

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: "Free Verse Poem" by Kamie Dombrowski

Free Verse Poem By Kamie Dombrowski tick tick tick waiting for practice to be over one more time turns into 20 more times which turns 2 more minutes into 20 more minutes competition is two practices away perfection is not easily achieved but strived for daily day of tick tick tick waiting to perform stress is building running through the routine in your heard over and over and over until your next hoping to win   Enigma  is an art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon 

Grit and Determination of Track and Field

When most people think of athletics they think of the common sports of soccer, baseball, field hockey, and so on. What most people don't think of is track and field. Track and field is an extremely interesting and eventful sport, but most people don't think about it very much. In this article, I am going to introduce you to track and field and share scores and highlights from the last L-S track meet. So to start, we have track events and field events. The track event groups include distance, sprints, and hurdles. The field events include jumps, vaults, and throws. For reference, each lap on the track is 400 meters or 0.25 miles. The distance events include the 800, 1600, and 3200. The sprinting events include the 100, 200, and 400. The hurdling events include 110 hurdles and 310 hurdles. In the field events, jumping is one of the groups. In jumps, there is a high jump, long jump, and triple jump. In throws, there is discus, shot put, and javelin. The last field event is ...

Empowering Future Nurses at High School with the Scrub Club

The Future Nurses Club (a.k.a. Scrub Club) is the perfect group for any student who would like to be involved with the medical field in the future. The club brings in speakers that hold discussions with students on informative topics pertaining to the medical field, enrich the members with statistics, and show medical devices that are used in multiple health departments. The Future Nurses Club is not only for anybody wanting to pursue nursing, but the club also tries to expose participants to all areas in the medical field like physical therapy, pediatrics, and much more. This month, Scrub Club is aiming to raise awareness on organ donation through spreading information to the staff and students of L-S. They will have booths set-up at sporting events where they will be selling T-Shirts and giving information out about organ donating. To learn more about organ donation and the processes involved, visit . The club plans on improving through acquiring funding for a...

Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: "The Sky Appears" by Crosby Renninger

"The Sky Appears" By Crosby Renninger The sky appears grey and hazy as the snow begins to fall large snowflakes all different in shape and size fall silently to the ground covering everything it touches with a white blanket covering it continues to fall and fall and fall it is silent and peaceful as it makes it way to the ground slowly piling up as the hours pass on. Finally the white covers everything and it lights up the earth bringing a bright shiny sparkling atmosphere the world is silent the snow muffles muffles everything all the extra noises in the world they are gone. The only noise heard is the crunching of the snow under your boots as you walk. The snow stops the world for the day making everything rest in peace under the whitse blanket of snow.    Enigma  is an art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed a...

Enigma Club prepping for new collaborative art project. You can help!

The Enigma Club is preparing to create another collaborative art project like their "I Think" wall from last year. Here's a video, created by Giovanni Azarelli, of the club's "I Think" project with original music by Aliza Howe. Be on the lookout for the date, time, and location of this year's collaboration creation.   Enigma  is an art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon 

FFA celebrates with annual awards and recognition banquet

The 2019 Garden Spot FFA Annual Awards and Recognition Banquet was held on Thursday, March 21. This evening was an opportunity for members to share achievements and show appreciation for those who have invested in our lives. The banquet is full of awards, senior speeches, and gratitude. Members spend months preparing for the special event that is executed by the current officers and members. School administration and staff, government officials, community members, Garden Spot FFA alumni, chapter supporters, and parents are invited to celebrate the achievements of the members and those who have invested in members FFA careers. At the annual banquet, members are awarded degrees that they applied for. The degree ladder is how members progress throughout their FFA careers. The degrees begin with middle school members and continue through alumni members. The Discovery Degree, awarded to middle school members who have attend Jr. FFA at the high school, was awarded to Jaclyn Martin,...