Optimistic ginger "snaps" into Fair Queen contest

Fair Queen Fast Facts

Name: Maggie Johnson
Grade: 12th
Club: Varsity Club
Escort: Nate Ferrari
Favorite Fair Food: Milkshakes
Favorite Fair Place: Cows ... especially when you can pet them
Maggie Johnson will represent
the Varsity Club in the
Fair Queen Contest
On a cloudy moonlit night in Maggie Johnson’s true home -- her community -- she gives a friendly laugh as she pops a peppermint into her mouth. Her carefree demeanor hides a fierce passion for making her community a better place.
“I’ve already logged over four hundred hours of community service in my time in high school,” Johnson says. “I’ve helped out with the Masonic Lodge, the Lions’ Club, the Sertoma Club, the Strasburg-Heisler Library, and the SSRA (Strasburg Swimming and Recreation Association).”
It is true that Maggie Johnson spends an enormous amount of time volunteering in and around the Borough of Strasburg.
“I would be honored to represent Lampeter-Strasburg High School and my community as Fair Queen. It would be a lot of fun to further my interactions with the community in this role.”
Johnson volunteers at the annual
Ryan's Race
Johnson’s sunny countenance almost put a crown on her head in the past, as she finished second in the Lancaster Optimism Queen competition. Nevertheless, she exhibits acute optimism about the Fair Queen competition.
“A lot of people accept Fair Queen nominations because they have no other choice. I embrace the opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the local traditions that make Lampeter unique,” she says. “Also, the scholarships attached to the crown could open a lot of doors for me in the future.”
Johnson plans to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish and International Studies.
“I hope to travel and use the skills I’ll attain to help people wherever I go,” she explains. “There are a lot of people in the world who need a little extra help from time to time, and I’d be humbled to provide that assistance.”
Johnson distributes flyers as part of her volunteer work with
the Strasburg Pool
As she considered what being the Fair Queen would mean to her, Johnson furrowed her brow thoughtfully before answering: “I think it would be super fun to be Fair Queen. Even though I don’t take ag classes, I lead an ag life. At home, I sometimes help my father with welding and working on his many tractors. I would hope to use this experience to learn more about the Lampeter Fair and the agricultural customs that make Lancaster County what it is today.”
As the evening progressed, Johnson noted that she needed a good night’s sleep. She was helping to clean the Strasburg Pool in the morning.

Editor's Note: This is the second of ten feature articles LSNews.org will be publishing previewing the annual Fair Queen contest at the West Lampeter Fair, held from September 23-25 at the Fair Grounds. Stay tuned over the next seven weeks; each Friday will be "Fair Queen Friday" -- we will publish the next feature. Here is our Fair Queen page, with all the information.
--David P. Griffith, LSNews.org Editor Emeritus
LSNews.org Editor-In-Chief Benjamin Pontz contributed to this report.

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