In My Own Words: One Final Voice for Music

In My Own Words

In this installment of In My Own Words, Michael Hayes talks about the final performance of the 2018 marching band season.

On Saturday, November 3, the Lampeter-Strasburg Marching Band performed for the last time their 2018 show "Voices." To thank the community for their support on Tag Day, the marching band's one and only fundraiser for the entire year, we set up a performance to celebrate them.

Originally, this "Tag Day Performance" was scheduled for October 11, but due to certain circumstances, (a.k.a weather) that event was postponed. Before they arrived on the field, the band members celebrated their seniors, since this would be their last time marching.

During these heartfelt speeches, the seniors talked about their own experiences and their advice for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. One memorable speech was senior Pierson Caster, who said, "The experience doesn't change, but the perspective does."

After the performance was over, the band came together as one to play some random songs to finish off the night.

The marching band season is officially over, although they will still be traveling with the football team to the playoff games to play in the stands.

In My Own Words is a first person written series that highlights Lampeter-Strasburg High School students activities.

--By Michael Hayes, LS News reporter

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