Enigma Weekend Edition Poem: Four Days

By Alyssa Zaepfel

At band practice
it began to rain
but we didn’t go
we continued
to walk in circles --
back and forth--
to and fro--
until my mascara
began to roll
onto my cheeks
and my hair
frizzed into
a halo.
I didn’t mind.
It was bitter
sitting in the
band stands
the wind biting
my nose.
Solanco’s fries
are extremely overpriced.
Five dollars.
But it was
warm and toasty
and that was
all I could
ask for.

I often forget
the beauty of
just watching.
Watching clouds,
watching people,
watching the world
roll on by.
Seeing the nature
of people
is always rewarding--
catching a wholesome
moment between
two friends is like
catching a firefly
on one of the first
warm evenings of June.
Although it’s only
for a moment
it can make my whole day.

The best feeling
is getting what
you expected.
It is like
opening that one
Christmas gift
where you just know
what it is
and the joy leaks
from your soul.
I expected to cry
when I heard her.
And I did.
I expected to dance
to her voice.
And however horrible
I looked
I still did.
Although I was
far from her
I felt like
the golden angel
spinning in circles
next to her.


Enigma is the art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon

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