Pioneers win HOCO football game against Etown, 20-13

It was the kickoff for Homecoming weekend and the Lampeter-Strasburg football team needed to post a dub after a three week losing streak. Interestingly enough, Elizabethtown was riding high after a three game winning streak which they capped with by a 52-17 smack down of Penn Manor last Friday.

Sophomore quarterback Sean McTaggart secured the 20-13 victory for the Pioneers by rushing for 94 yards and scoring the lead taking touchdown with just over four minutes left in the game.

The Pioneers finish the regular season on Friday against Cocalico.

In addition, Elli Strauss was crowned homecoming queen. Johnny Franklin was crowned homecoming kind the night before during the annual powder puff game.

--Photos by Jonathan Klein, LS News editor-in-chief

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