High School prepares for next week's Clash of the Classes

Next week kicks off the annual Student Council sponsored Clash of the Classes event.
Clash of the Classes is a week long event that is a competition in many different sporting and artistic events. The winning class gets Rita’s Ice. Typically held after the spring round of Keystone exams, it's a great way for the student body to celebrate a long semester of learning.

On Friday afternoon the student body will head out to the Football Stadium. There will be food and drinks to purchase and the competitive events.

There is still time to sign up in the Cafeteria to help your class to victory! Some of the events include, sidewalk art, flag football, co-ed soccer, water balloon toss, whiffle ball, cupcake decorating, gaga ball, ultimate frisbee, trivia, pull-up contest, among others.

The week leading up to Clash of the Classes (May 22-26), is Spirit Week:
  • ‘Merica Monday- Dress in red, white, and blue
  • Tropical Tuesday- Leis, Hawaiian shirts, and flip flops
  • Wacky Tourist Wednesday- Maps, flip flops, patterned shorts, sunglasses and Hawaiian shirts
  • Tie Dye Thursday- Tie Dye everything!
  • Class Color Friday- Freshman wear blue, Sophomores wear red, Juniors wear white, Senior wear black

And whatever class has the most school spirit during the week gets points for Clash of the Classes.

Don’t forget to dress in America clothes on Monday!!

--By Jackie Schultz, LS News reporter

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