Meet the subs: staffer sits down with two substitute teachers to learn more

Mrs. Faith Hollern has been a long-term
substitute  during the school year, and now is
back in the day-to-day substituting business
L-S has some great teachers, but in all honesty, few can deny that finding out a substitute is in tends to bring a smile to one's face and lift some weight from one's shoulders. But who exactly are these mysterious substitutes? We spoke to two of them to learn more.

Our first interviewee was Mrs. Faith Hollern. She attended McCaskey High School, and Bloomsburg University. She specializes in physical education; her son, Steven, is a junior at L-S. Ms.Hollern has been a substitute for about three years now. Some of her favorite things about substituting include interacting with and helping students, having a more flexible agenda because she doesn’t have a set schedule, and the variety of students she gets to work with. The only disadvantage, she says, “ not knowing whether you are going to be working that day or not.” Outside of the classroom she enjoys the outdoors and biking.

Mrs. Christi Henry is a relatively new substitute
who has a variety of background experience
The next substitute, Mrs. Christi Henry graduated from Garnet Valley High, then Kutztown and Immaculata Universities. She specializes in special and elementary education, but she also assists in composing contracts for people that want to sell supplies to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. While Mrs. Henry has only been a substitute since December, she prefers long-­term subbing. Her favorite part of her job is the students and not having to work daily like average teachers, but admits that everything can be a lot to learn at once.

There are so many people around us, but sometimes we can tend to avoid the unknown and unfamiliar due to prior judgments and thinking that all we need to know about people is what we are looking at. We see people everyday, but don’t always know their story. So, we challenge and encourage you to get to know someone. There is always more to learn, people to meet, and things to do, so get out there! And special thanks to Ms. Hollern and Mrs.Henry for sitting down with us.

--Hannah Stauffer, Special to

Edited: BP

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