Editorial: A field guide for Feeney

Excitement at L-S is palpable. The softball team just finished an undefeated season. The lacrosse teams are heading to the playoffs. And, perhaps most notably, it was recently announced current assistant principal Dr. Ben Feeney will be taking over Mr. Eric Spencer's position at the beginning of the next school year.
Dr. Benjamin Feeney will take over as principal of Lampeter-Strasburg High School on July 1
Photo courtesy of Mrs. Anne Harnish
Spencer, who has held the position for the last five years, will be heading north to McCaskey where he will teach social studies and coach football. Feeney, who has been the assistant principal at L-S for two years and earned his doctorate in the fall, vacates an assistant principal position for which the district is currently accepting applications.

Feeney certainly brings some great qualities to the table in his new position, perhaps most notably an unquestioned rapport with the student body that he has skillfully developed in just two years. We have yet to find a student with anything bad to say about him, quite a feat considering that high school students are not exactly known for a lack of complaining. He is a genuine, personable leader with potential to bring a fresh perspective.

A few items we hope he considers:

  • We hope Feeney builds on the successful AP program already in place by ensuring that the most courses are offered to the most students to help encourage all students to challenge themselves and achieve college credit in the high school classroom.
  • We also hope that Feeney develops higher level courses in disciplines such as agriculture, art, music, and foreign language to help students who excel in those areas find rigor and benefit in their years as upperclassmen too.
  • We hope he establishes himself as an authoritative figure for whom students have great respect in addition to holding him in high personal regard.
  • Perhaps most importantly, we hope he is willing to take risks that help propel L-S forward.

When we spoke to Dr. Feeney in the fall, he told us, "I really have enjoyed my experience here, and I want to continue to see where my career path takes me, and I hope it’s here at Lampeter-Strasburg. I’m very comfortable and happy where I’m at now, in the current position I hold. Eventually, I think I would like to aspire to a principalship and then to an assistant superintendency or superintendency down the road."

We applaud his ambition, and we hope that this step on the road will be as beneficial to Lampeter-Strasburg High School as it will be to him personally.

Congratulations, Dr. Feeney!

This editorial reflects the collective opinion of the LSNews.org editorial board. Its lead author was Benjamin Pontz, editor-in-chief of LSNews.org. It does not constitute an official position of the Lampeter-Strasburg School District, nor the advisor of LSNews.org. Questions or concerns can be directed to lspioneernews@gmail.com.


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