Concert review: Jazz band performance a foot-tapping thrill

It's Thursday night, and you've got to go to your sibling's concert: boring right? Not if it's the jazz concert! This event, held yearly in the spring in the high school PAC, was anything but boring!

With songs from the sixth graders such as "El Taco Rocko", songs from the seventh and eighth like "In the Mood", and ones from the high schoolers such as "Red Clay", the audience was hard pressed not to dance in their seats throughout the night!
Senior trombonists (from L) Sammi Ingram, Jarrod Lloyd, and Ben Pontz joined Mr. Royer (center) to play "Lassus Trombone"; baritone saxophonist Ben Eidemiller and alto saxophonist Sean Burke accompany the piece in front

Toes were tapping and lips were smiling as each ensemble gave it their all, with improvised solos interspersed throughout most of the songs. The high school ensemble even had a vocalist, Sammi Ingram, singing a fabulous rendition of the song "Orange Colored Sky". Other selections from the high school included a piece featuring senior trombonists called "Lassus Trombone" on which Mr. Royer, a trombonist himself, played along, "Sing Sang Sung", "Boplicity", and "Play That Funky Music."

More than 70 performers took to the stage throughout the evening from the sixth, seventh and eighth, and high school jazz bands. The middle school jazz program started a few years ago to expose students at that level to the opportunity to learn a different style of music.

Clearly, it's working.

Jubilant audience members could be seen cheering and dancing in the aisles during the finale of the concert; this concert was tops, the bee's knees, and all that jazz (music pun intended)!

Check out three photo galleries via Google Photos

--Cassidy Ingram, Special to; Photos by Lauren Mast, Director of Photography

Edited: BP

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