A Five K with Flapjacks: Aevidum seeks to raise awareness about mental health

Do you like pancakes? Well, as luck would have it, you can have all this and the chance to support a great cause this Saturday at the L-S High School. The L-S Aevidum Club, founded last year, will be holding a 5K run and pancake breakfast next Saturday, November 7, for mental health awareness. LSNews.org had the chance to talk to Katelynn Gebhart, a Co-President of the Club, about the event.

School psychologist Ms. Kristin Glass poses with some of the raffle baskets available at the Aevidum 5K race

“It’s an event made to raise awareness of mental health issues,” she says. “Many people live with a mental health issue, and yet it is not commonly talked of or addressed.” 
The Aevidum club, dedicated to making school a better, more inclusive, and happier place, is thus holding its first large scale event to get out its message.

The leadership of the club thought a race would be a great idea. “There are many 5K races for many causes and they are a great way to get people involved,” Gebhart says. 
And including a pancake breakfast, featuring toppings, and other foods, like eggs and bacon, is a great draw. “People are getting something out of it,” both a breakfast and a good time.

Admittedly, registration has started out sluggish. Aevidum is fairly new, and suffers from the stigma of being the “everyone should get along” club. But that isn’t all that it’s about. 
It’s an “amazing cause,” Gebhart insists. 
The club is about making people feel comfortable, like they belong. “I personally have felt a difference in my life when I’m in a place I don’t feel comfortable. When you are comfortable, you make the most of everything, and have an enjoyable time, and I want everyone to be able to succeed. Also, I’ve felt on the outs before, and rejected, and I don’t want anyone to feel that way.”

The whole club is hoping for a good turnout. “Come and support Aevidum, if you don’t like to run you can sponsor someone, but more importantly--there will be food!” It should be a day of fun and food for a good cause. 

Aevidum’s belief is a simple one, that no one should feel alone and outcast, and that “everyone is beautiful, amazing, and have something great to offer this world.”
--Justin Burkett, LSNews.org Managing Editor

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