“Well this is a lot of people.” Valedictorian Benjamin Pontz opened up his speech with this short, yet accurate observation.
Graduation highlight photos by Lauren Bliss.
Despite the standing water in J. K. Mechanical Stadium, there were still, as Pontz said, “a lot of people.” The PAC was completely full, students and loved ones piled into the chorus room and cafeteria, and the teachers were shoved on the far wings of the Lampeter-Strasburg High School Performing Arts Center. Graduation is a special time, and special times call for extending invitations to all of your loved ones, even if it means shoving them into the cafeteria to watch the live stream.
The first speaker, Sam Ingram, began her speech by reminiscing her third grade days, and when she drew a picture of what she thought she would look like in High School. She reassured the graduates that “Even if that picture changes, its okay.” Her conversational tone created an intimate exchange between her words and the audience’s thoughts.
Seniors Jessie Reynolds, Mackenzie Miller, and Samantha and Cassidy Ingram opened the ceremony with a quartet arrangement of the “Star Spangled Banner.” It’s no surprise that the performance was flawless, considering the group was comprised of an All-State Chorus member, two future actresses, and the star of the LSTS musicals. The singing groups also performed “Lampeter Strasburg’s Alma Matter” and “If You’re Out There” by John Legend.
Sam Ingram reassuring the graduates that "It's okay."
High School Principal Mr. Eric Spencer, during his last ever L-S graduation introduction, reminded the graduates of their achievements, one being the cumulative 14,428 community service hours that they had completed. He alluded to the stellar academic achievements of the high school, and the individuals who accomplished such feats. Midway through his speech, he checked his Twitter to remind the audience members already in attendance that the ceremony was to be held inside.
He used this comical reference to recognize the achievements of LS News and the legacy LS News editor-in-chief Ben Pontz and Mr. Adam Zurn had started. He closed by quoting various people on friendship, and reminding the graduates to cherish the times and friendships from High School, for they make lifelong memories.
Valedictorian Ben Pontz speaking how fortunate Lampeter-Strasburg students are to receive a quality education.
Rightful Valedictorian Ben Pontz spent his time speaking of how fortunate L-S students are to receive the quality education the district offers. He spoke of struggling countries such as Belize and Pakistan, saying, that in these countries, “education is far from universal.”
One by one, he had the parents and teachers stand so the graduates could recognize the role they played in the education they had received. He continued on by asking Andrew Hay to stand and clap, to create a chain reaction of clapping. An unexpected, slightly odd request, the act actually served as a way to remind the audience the impact that one person can have on a majority.
The speech titled “A Call to Leadership” was aimed to inspire the Class of 2016 that any of them could be that one person that started the chain reaction. That any one of them could make a difference, large or small. After all, “Pioneers are leaders.”
Spencer returned to the podium to announce the Valedictorian as Ben Pontz, the Co-Salutatorians Beth DiBiase and Caleb Gawne, and the Third in Class as Robin Feaster.
Left to right: Valedictorian as Ben Pontz, the Co-Salutatorians Beth DiBiase and Caleb Gawne, and the Third in Class as Robin Feaster.
Superintendent Dr. Kevin Peart added his own flair by reading aloud the lyrics of the Class of 2016’s class song, “We’re All in This Together” from High School Musical. Not many of the graduates have heard the lyrics spoken by anyone other than Zac Efron, so there were quite a few chuckles among the students.
The Class of 2016 celebrating the end of their 4,665 day journey according to Valedictorian Ben Pontz.
The first two to receive their diplomas were student council officers Riley Lewis and Erin Murphy, and they continued on to read the name of every graduate as they received their diplomas. Class President and 2015 West Lampeter Fair Queen Chelsea Hancock concluded the ceremony by telling the students to turn their tassels. As the graduates threw their caps up in the air, their journey as Lampeter-Strasburg High School Alumni began.
Watch the entire Friday, June 3 Lampeter-Strasburg graduation ceremony.
Achieving straight As, or an unweighted GPA of 4.0, is the goal of many high school students. Getting straight As involves a lot of hard work, but it isn't impossible. Here is how I believe you can get all As. Do your homework. The number of students who do not do their homework shocks me. But doing your homework has many benefits and will help keep your grades up. Those five points you receive for a homework check matter, and when you get a 0 out of 5, it matters even more. Doing your homework also helps you learn the information, raising your test and quiz grades as well. Don't procrastinate. Procrastination is the downfall of many high school students who are capable of good grades. When you receive an assignment, do it ASAP. And when you are given the date of a test, start studying immediately instead of waiting and then cramming the night before. When you do this, you are likely to be less stressed, which increases the quality of the work you do. Don't put ...
I recently finished reading Rumble Fish written by S.E. (Susan Eloise) Hinton and published in 1975. The book starts with Rusty-James on a beach and he runs into an old friend of his that he hadn’t seen in years, Steve. That’s when he flashes back to everything he and Steve had done and been through when they were kids. Rusty-James’ memory is all messed up, and he barely ever remembered much from his childhood, but seeing Steve made everything come back to him… and that was probably for the worst. Most of the book is from Rusty-James’ point of view (in a flashback) when he was fourteen years old. He was the toughest kid in his neighborhood… besides his brother, the Motorcycle Boy, of course. The Motorcycle Boy’s real name is never said, everyone just calls him the Motorcycle Boy because he was constantly stealing and riding motorcycles. He was older than Rusty-James and everyone in their neighborhood respected him and thought he was the coolest and toughest guy to ...
Book Review Before school started, I went to Barnes & Noble to get a few books from my favorite author, S.E. (Susan Eloise) Hinton, to read as the year started. I got That was Then This is Now , Rumble Fish , (a third copy of) The Outsiders , and Tex . I had already read The Outsiders at least nine times, I had finished That was Then This is Now , and I had just finished Rumble Fish , so I decided to pick up Tex and start reading. The author of these books writes them in the only way I can ever read books. First person point of view with a relatable narrator. This one was told by the point of view of Texas (Tex) McCormick, a fourteen year old boy who is living with his brother Mason because they’re mom died when Tex was little and their dad walked out on them a few months back.Texas (Left) and Mason (Right) McCormick Texas believes that Pop (their dad) will be back soon, but Mason knows otherwise…or at least he thinks he does. Tex has a few close friends...