If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball. Varsity Club Announces Dodgeball Tournament

Luckily no one will be throwing wrenches at the Varsity Club's Dodgeball Tournament on Saturday, December 12.
Gif courtesy of  gifphy.com from the movie Dodgeball.
Varsity Club will sponsor its dodgeball tournament on Saturday, December 12 from 10 am until 3 pm.

While Lampeter-Strasburg faculty and staff can play for free, the entrance fee for student teams are $50. Teams may be as large as 12 people, which makes the per person cost only $4.17. Players must be at least 12-years old. Students interested in playing should see Mr. Albanese.

The faculty dodgeball team consists of Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Cantrell, Ms. Lippy, Mr. Zurn, Mr. Albanese, Mr. Landis, Mr. Sterner, Mrs. Shehan, Ms. Schneider, Ms. Fetterolf, Ms. Glass, and Dr. Feeney.

This is not Varsity Club's first activity of the year. Last month, the Club conducted a Sneaker Drive for elementary school children attending a title 1 school in Philadelphia. Many of the children are not allowed to participate in gym class because of their lack of sneakers. Through the sneaker drive, L-S collected about 200 pairs of shoes! 

Mr. Sterner’s homeroom, won the sneaker drive by bringing in almost 80 pairs of sneakers. The winning homeroom received a Chick-fil-A catered breakfast and donuts courtesy of Sugar on Top in Strasburg. 

The sneaker drive was a great success, and the underprivileged children will now be able to fully enjoy gym class! 

For complete coverage see our October 3 article, Varsity Club holds sneaker drive to help underprivileged Philadelphia area children.

This month, the Varsity Club is participating in the L-S Mini-THON by having a Human Hungry Hungry Hippos game. The game is similar to the board game, except the “hippos” will be people on scooters being pulled and pushed by their teammates to collect the food.  

The Varsity Club has also been looking into taking a club trip to see a professional or college level sports game, but the tickets are still being finalized so the exact event is still to undetermined.

--LSNews.org Staff Report

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