Enigma Weekend Edition: Poetry by Maggie Johnson

by Maggie Johnson

As the years go by,
Fast but quiet,
Six months to years,
Time slips away,
torn from innocent fingers,

As they grow from seeds
To the powerful trees that protect
Us from thunderous winds,
To the breathtaking flowers
that captivate any passerby,

As destruction sweeps the land,
But when help is sought after,
Heads turn the opposite way,
to look at the next interesting event,
Neighbors left to survive alone,



Enigma is an art and literary magazine. Staff membership is open to any interested high school student. Each year’s staff is formed at the beginning of that school year. The Enigma staff is responsible for all aspects of production, from writing and artwork selection to layout and publication tasks. Members are also required to attend Coffeehouse readings. Items intended for publication may be submitted to the faculty adviser, Mrs. Carol Allen-Gordon.

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