First of many wins for the L-S girls lacrosse

On Friday, the Lampeter-Strasburg High School girls lacrosse varsity team took their places on the turf for their first game of the season against Red Land. The game started off strong and fast with Kelesy Kimmel scoring the first goal of the game in 13 seconds.

The intense tone of the game continued, but the execution wasn't always there. The girls had trouble controlling the speed of the game and seemed to play down the Red Land's level. 

The scoring continued though, and the Pioneers quickly put an even bigger lead on the board. Mary Peticca, the senior goalie, had many amazing saves. It was looking like it was going to be a shut out, but in the last 30 seconds of the game, Red Land took an awful shot that somehow went in. 

The weather as insane! The cold and wind sure did take a toll on the players...but also the parents! "Despite the cold and wind, it was exciting to see the girls play their first game of the season!" said Diane Hostetter, one of the many parents.

In the end, the Pioneers finished the season opener with an 18-1 score. The girls know what they need to work on, and they are looking forward to the upcoming season!

Looking at the week ahead, the Pioneers have four games: Monday (away), Tuesday (home), Thursday (home, night game), and Saturday (away). Come support the high school girls lacrosse varsity team and see the magic for yourself!

--By Kelly Hostetter, LS News reporter

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