LSHS Creates A “Lip Dub” to Raise Awareness for Childhood Cancer

This week the students and teachers of Lampeter-Strasburg High School came together to dance in the halls, lip-sync to “Footloose”, and raise awareness for the upcoming Mini-THON.
Students lined the hallways, preparing for the lip dub.
Together they created an epic lip dub, which is a music video in which lip-syncing and audio dubbing are combined. The main goal of the lip dub was to get even more students to take part in the Mini-THON, which raises money for childhood cancer. 

Mr. Shockey had his head shaved while the lip dub was filmed!
Excited to get out of fourth period on Friday, the students happily gathered with their teams or clubs, dressing up in crazy costumes and dancing around to “Footloose”, creating an amazing video which you can view on YouTube or see during the morning announcements on Monday.

The Lampeter-Strasburg Mini-THON will take place February 9-10, where students will raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund, which supports families battling childhood cancer at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center.
Cheyanne Waller and Steven Greenwood lip-syncing as the lip dub was filmed.
But meanwhile, a group of students is hard at work, preparing for the event. During one of the recent Mini-THON meetings, the group was brainstorming a way to get more students to attend. When a student suggested creating a lip dub, everyone jumped on board. Every morning and afternoon students were reminded to gather every crazy prop they could, and discuss with their fellow team and club members how they could participate in the video. In only four days, LSHS teachers and students pulled it off. This creative and entertaining video will for sure raise more awareness for the Mini-THON.
Students smile as the camera approaches.
Mrs. Shehan supervised the lip dub creation, as well as the Mini-THON committee. She says the students really did all of the work, with Thomas Shockey and Sarah Capoferri as the unofficial chairpersons, and Kelsey Kimmel, Xynthie Ortiz, and Morgan Bucher helping with the practice rounds. Jonathan Klein, Bobby Bennethum, and Ethan Sauder worked together as the videography crew, filming and editing the video. Additionally, 15 more students offered their help to lip-sync for the lip dub.

Band members gathered together to play music in the background of the lip dub.
Mrs. Shehan said she loved seeing these students step up to take on leadership roles to make this happen, and hopes the lip dub helps create more school spirit. She wants to say a thank you to Dr. Westphal for her support, Mrs. Shockey for having a lot of props and costumes to include, and to all the students and staff who participated!
L-S faculty team
That Friday night a faculty game against Solanco was also held to raise over $500 money for the Mini-THON, and an upcoming Parent’s Night Out for elementary students will also be held for Mini-THON awareness next week. All students are encouraged to take part in the Mini-THON and help raise money for childhood cancer!

--By Olivia Sullivan, LS News reporter

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