Students pummel each other in fast paced dodgeball tournament

More than 50 students dragged themselves out of bed on a Saturday morning for the opportunity to pummel each other and teachers with Nerf balls at Varsity Club’s annual dodgeball tournament.

Winners of the second annual Varsity Club dodgeball tournament.
The contest commenced at 10:30 am and before noon when the dust settled the team Black Beans and White Rice won the tournament and ultimate title of champion.

The teams were all creatively named,  Canadians, Scared Hitless,  Savages,  Black Panthers, M8 Squad, Black Beans and White Rice, Beast and his Lifters, and lastly, Masters of Disaster.

None of the freshmen teams fared well, especially the Savages, who lost all seven games and the Canadians posting only one win.

The Faculty team fromn left to right of Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Zurn,
Mrs. Shehan, Ms. Glass, Ms. Lippy, Mr. Albanese , and Mr. Cantrell
The faculty team--nicknamed Exclamation Point—struggled as well losing their first five games until the final two rounds of the morning posting the first faculty ever “winning streak in L-S dodgeball tournament history. Unfortunately, the faculty also holds the record for quickest elimination in their second match of the morning lasting only 45 seconds against the baseball team. See the clip of the baseball team pummeling the faculty in the YouTube video embedded below.

It was not just the faculty team that struggled to stay on the court. In several mismatched games, skilled players with strong arms made short work of weaker teams in matches that only lasted a minute.

In the first round of play, Scared Hitless, a junior populated team, played against Beast and his Lifters, the basketball players. The tough basketball players began with a cocky countenance, which quickly degraded as they began to lose. The juniors set the tone of the tournament when they made their mark by defeating the suspected winner, Beast and his Lifters

After four rounds of play with every team playing seven games, the points and rankings were posted. 

Points were awarded in the following fashion:
  • Winning a game equals three points.
  • Losing equals zero points.
  • Tying a game equals one point. 
Based on the tally of points, the top four teams would proceed to the final rounds of the tournament.

Those teams were Black Beans and White Rice in first with a total of twenty one points, second was the Black Panthers with eighteen points, third Scared Hitless with fifteen points, and with a total of twelve points was Beast and his Lifters.

For the semi-finals, Black Beans and White Rice battled Beast and his Lifters, while Scared Hitless played against the Black Panthers.

During the primary games of the tournament, when Black Beans and White Rice played Beast and his Lifters, it was a close game, but Black Beans and White Rice ended with the win. When Scared Hitless played the Black Panthers, the football player team, the Black Panthers won. Both final games would be a close call, but then the winner of each game would go onto the final to determine the ultimate winner. Black Beans and White Rice and Scared Hitless won, leading them to go head-to-head in the final game.

When the teams played in the primaries, Black Beans and White Rice defeated Scared Hitless, which added to the suspense of the final round.

As all the losing teams and referees gathered around the gymnasium to watch the final battle, both teams gave the game their all in an attempt for victory, but only one team could win, Black Beans and White Rice won the tournament.

The winner of the tournament celebrated their victory with dodgeball champion tee shirts and team pictures, and the determination to return for the third year to dominate in the Varsity Club dodgeball tournament.

--Maggie Johnson, Assistant Sports Editor

Related: If You Can Dodge A Wrench, You Can Dodge A Ball. Varsity Club Announces Dodgeball Tournament

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