Student Council announces annual homeroom food drive to help local families

Did you know that approximately 22 percent of Lampeter-Strasburg students live at or below the poverty level? This year's annual student council food drive starting on Monday, November 9 will be collecting food items for families in need here in the L-S school district and surround areas.

First, student council will be collecting items to assist the Lampeter-Strasburg YMCA Annual Turkey Drive. Second, student council will be collecting items to assist two local food banks at Strasburg Presbyterian Church and Lampeter United Methodist Church. 

Items will be collected beginning at 7:20 until 7:35 a.m. each day in the high school cafeteria. 

The total points will be divided by the number of people in each homeroom. There will be 2 divisions this year. Homeroom's with fewer than 15 students, will be in the small homeroom competition, and the top homeroom with the highest number of points per student will win. 

All other homerooms with 15 or more students will compete in the large homeroom competition, and the top three homerooms with the highest points per student will win. The winning homerooms in both divisions will receive a cooked breakfast of eggs, quiche, bacon, pancakes, fruit salad, donuts, cookies, milk, chocolate milk & orange juice from Darrenkamp’s during first period class on Friday, November. 20. 

Your participation is greatly appreciated and will touch the lives of many local people in need.
List of items most needed. Points have been assigned to the food items according to the level of need and importance. Expired items and glass jars will not be accepted.
Could you or a family you know benefit from a boxed meal for Thanksgiving?

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