Will you help L-S students in need?

Did you know that nearly 23 percent of Lampeter-Strasburg students live at or below the poverty level? That's almost one out of every four students.

L-S Community Closet is a community organization that is lending a helping hand to students in need. LSCC works closely with Mrs. Michelle Holland, an L-S social worker who helps to identify students in need.

How can you help?
The LSCC is having a clothing drive on Friday, October 16 at the Lampeter United Methodist Church. Items will be distributed to anyone in the L-S school district that needs them the following day at the same location on Saturday, October 17 from 9 am to noon.

While there are Community Aid bins located around the L-S campus, those items are transported to a Community Aid thrift store to be resold. LSCC does receive a donation based on the weight of the items placed in the bins but not the items themselves.

Remember not all needs are visible. For more information about L-S Community Closet visit their Facebook page.

Download the L-S Community Closet form

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