Teachers Double-Dog Dare You in Mini-Thon Dare Jar Fundraiser

Twenty-three Lampeter-Strasburg High School teachers have agreed to participate in the mini-thon dare jar fundraiser.

What is a dare jar? With a dare jar, a teacher submits a "dare" they will complete if a specified amount of money is raised. Donations to dare jars can be made during lunch in the cafeteria. The fundraiser concludes on Wednesday, May 27 with teachers performing their dare (if possible) during an assembly on Monday, June 1. 

Mr. Fisher will get Chinese characters shaved in his head for $200.

Mrs. Ruoff and Ms. Miller will take a pie to the face for $100.

Mr. Blose and Mr. Spangler will play “raw egg roulette” for $300.

Mr. Shockey, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Houck, Mr. Titter, Mr. Albanese,  Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Cantrell, and Mr. Gallagher will sleep on the roof of the high school and live tweet the event for $500 to $1,000.

Mrs. Shehan will get colorful cornrows for $75.

Mr. Krothe and Mr. Lingle will Lip-Sync Battle for $700.

Mr. Spealman will get pied in the face for $100.

Mr. Zurn will kiss a pig for $100.

Mrs. Garrett and Miss Neff will “Play Water War” for $500.

Mrs. McCanna will wear a blonde curly wig for $100.

Mrs. Shockey will pretend her cart is a motorcycle for $100.

Mr. Heyser will wear high heels for a day for $100.

In addition on Wednesday, May 27 there will be a “Stall Day” fundraiser. For this all day event, students will be permitted to bring in money for the Four Diamonds Fund to “stall” their classes from starting. At the beginning of class, students will turn in their money (probably coins) to the teacher and then take their seats. The teacher will then count the money in front of the class. When the teacher has finished counting all the money, class will begin

All donations benefit the Four Diamonds Fund which supports children with cancer in central PA. L-S will be holding its mini-thon on December 4.

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