Post Prom is Saturday. Volunteers Still Needed.

Superheros assembly this Saturday, May 30 at the Lampeter-Strasburg High School for Spring Blast / Post Prom crimefighting fun!

Spring Blast
Spring Blast is open to all 9th and 10th grade students from 8-10 pm. Admission is 10 per person. 

Post Prom
Juniors and seniors can attend Post Prom for only $5 from 10:30 pm - 2 am. You do not need go to Prom to attend Post Prom.

Parents and community sponsors are invited to tour the event from 7-8 pm for free.

Enjoy laser tag, 3-v-3 volleyball, photo booth, mini golf, ping pong tournament, wrecking ball inflatable, DJ, awesome door prizes, soft serve ice create sundae bar, candy, walking tacos, beverages, other great snacks, and so much more. 

Tickets for both events will be on sale during lunch Tuesday, May 26 until Friday, May 29.

Post Prom Volunteers Needed
Post Prom is not possible without superhero helpers to make the evening a success. The PTO still need volunteers to work during Post Prom plus there are a few food and drink slots open. In addition, PTO could also benefit from monetary donations and items to raffle off as prizes for the kids. 

Items can be left at the high school office (please label for Post Prom) or drop off the day prior.

Sign-up today at SignUpGenius
For additional information, please email
For up-to-date LSHS PTO news visit their Facebook page.

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