Staffers share holiday escapades

As the winter vacation from the stressful days of school work nears its end, we asked a few members of the LS News staff what exactly each of them have been up to during this year’s holiday break. Recurring themes in their answers included quality time with friends, activities related to individual hobbies, and (undoubtedly) viewings of the newly released Star Wars film.  Check out the responses we received from five of our staffers below.

Aaron Davies: Opinion Editor
Promotional photo for Star Wars: The Force
; used under fair use guidelines

“My Christmas vacation was filled with late nights and even later mornings (with the occasional afternoon). Amidst the chaotic sleep schedule, I found the time to see the long awaited Star Wars: The Force Awakens. To be honest I had very modest if not low expectations for the movie. I believed that good ol’ JJ would pull through with a good movie, but I knew nothing could satisfy my overly Star Wars obsessed dreams. In short, the movie was terrific, but it could have been better. My vacation then continued its pattern of video games, Netflix, and poor sleeping habits until I crammed my abounding homework during the weekend.”

Ashley Crutcher: Co-Director of Photography

Ashley Crutcher is a
professional photographer
“Over Christmas break, I photographed a few engagement sessions with my business, hung out with friends, and saw Star Wars. I also ate a lot and sang a lot (but that's nothing new). Also, I started filming a movie for fun with some friends!”

Josh Kirchner: Local Reporter

Josh Kirchner spent time with friends
over the break
"Well, I didn't do too much. On Christmas Eve (technically Christmas day), I played trumpet with my church's choir at our midnight service. As many others did, I saw the new Star Wars movie in theaters. I spent a lot of time with my friends; we went ice skating as a group one night. On New Year's Day, we toured Lancaster City, being that it was First Friday. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses were closed, but we did get to visit the ever-popular Prince Street Cafe. That's about it."

Alyssa Van Lenten: Local Editor

Alyssa Van Lenten explores the
deeper meaning of Christmas
“The most important things I did over Christmas break involved spending time with my friends and family. Sure, I worked a lot of hours in retail and did my own last-minute shopping, which both contribute to the commercialization of the holidays. Over the span of December, I attended around ten Christmas gatherings, most of which included gift exchanges. But all of those gifts pale next to the greatest gift ever given – that’s our Savior Jesus Christ. Of course the lights, decorations, and ‘holiday cheer’ are all tons of fun. Nevertheless, when it comes down to it, Christmas is about so much more. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I spent with just my immediately family. We visited the National Christmas Center (as per my dad’s insistence), watched holiday movies, and played games. I even got some of my oldest friends together for our Annual Christmas Party. We have a tradition of making breakfast together in the morning. Overall, Christmas vacation gave me a break to breathe a little bit and enjoy what is important to me.”

Justin Burkett: Managing Editor

Justin Burkett "gallantly fought off a cold"
"I spent my break getting ready to play in the pit orchestra and the jazz band. I performed in Wheatland's holiday show. I've been catching up on my reading, and college applications. And to top it all off, I gallantly fought off a cold.”

--Jacky Kirchner, Features Editor

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